Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Fwd from: Family Research Council...

Refer a Friend January 12, 2009
Obama Levels the 'Praying' Field
The pulpit is getting even more crowded at the Inauguration festivities next week. After miffing gay and lesbian groups by picking pro-Proposition 8 Rev. Rick Warren to offer the invocation on his big day, President-elect Obama is giving homosexuals a turn in the limelight. In a surprise announcement, it appears the Obama team is trying to soothe the ruffled feathers over Warren's role by asking Bishop Gene Robinson, an open homosexual, to kick off the We Are One event on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial January 19. "It is also an indication of the new president's commitment to being the President of all the people. "...[I]t will be my great honor to be there representing... all of us in the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community" Robinson said. Robinson will deliver the invocation at Sunday's ceremony, which both Obama and Vice President-elect Joe Biden are scheduled to attend. According to the AP, "Robinson said he doesn't yet know what he'll say, but he knows he won't use a Bible. 'While that is a holy and sacred text to me, it is not for many Americans,' Robinson said. 'I will be careful not to be especially Christian in my prayer.'" While the choice of Robinson may be designed to placate angry liberals, the irony of it isn't lost on religious conservatives. The ballyhoo over Pastor Warren's selection was in large part because he was "divisive" in supporting Prop 8. Yet if there was ever a pastor whose actions were divisive it was Gene Robinson who almost single handedly devastated one of America's oldest Christian denominations. Robinson's confirmation in 2003 as the first openly gay Bishop shattered the once-conservative Episcopal Church and created a painful split between the liberal leadership and faithful Anglicans that cost it hundreds of thousands of followers. Robinson says, "I believe in my heart that the church got it wrong about homosexuality." This view, which he emphasized in at least three private meetings with Obama, may be reflective of the next president's ideology, but it's far from mainstream. While liberals may not appreciate Warren's position on marriage, a majority of voters happen to agree with him. Far more states--including California--have banned counterfeit marriage than have ratified it. Additional Resources Los Angeles Times: NH Gay Bishop who criticized Obama's invocation choice to give prayer at preinaugural event
Hoosiers Force Game 2 on Marriage
Legislators in Indiana, one of the minority of states that has yet to pass a marriage protection amendment, renewed their effort today by introducing a new amendment to the state's constitution. I was on hand today in Indianapolis as lawmakers vowed to put the Hoosier state in the column with the 29 other states that have taken marriage out of the hands of activist judges. An amendment was narrowly defeated in the General Assembly in 2007. This afternoon, Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.) joined me for a private pastors briefing in the Indiana Supreme Court Chambers. Mike has been a good friend and solid ally on this issue in the U.S. House, and with his help, Indiana churches stand to bring a victory for marriage to his home state. After a House and Senate meet-and-greet with key Indiana lawmakers, I joined amendment sponsors State Reps. P. Eric Turner (R-Marion) and Dave Cheatham (D-North Vernon), Curt Smith of the Indiana Family Institute, our friends at the Alliance Defense Fund, and Pastor Ron Johnson Jr. for a press conference in the state Capitol on the importance of the constitutional amendment to the state. Later tonight, I look forward to celebrating the work of the Indiana Family Institute at a banquet for the organization in Indianapolis. For more on their important work on the marriage amendment, and to get involved, log on to Additional Resources Indiana Family Institute
Change Watch: Rice Edition
Stop by the FRC blog ( for our expert analysis on Obama's choice for the next U.S Ambassador to the United Nations, Susan Rice. If you'd like to distribute copies of these profiles to your friends or family, please visit our sister organization, FRC Action ( to download a printer-friendly .pdf! Additional Resources FRC Blog

Monday, January 12, 2009


Lately I've been trying to study Gods word. Now, if you know me you would know that yes I believe Jesus Christ died for our sins and yes, church should be part of a family's weekly schedule. Wow! I've come to realize that I had it all wrong. In studying I've come to realize that in accepting Him as my savior, I'm choosing to follow His plan, not mine. There is no "try to fit in my schedule", it's now His schedule. Now in this, I'm choosing to completely hand over my life to Him, so that He can use me for His plan, again not mine. When you really take a look at this you realize that in His word he refers to us as soldier's (2 Timothy 2:4 And as Christ's soldier, do not let yourself become tied up in the affairs of his life, for then you cannot satisfy the one who has enlisted you in his army). Now, when my brother enlisted and chose to become a Marine (which by the way I'm very proud of him) he made their plan, his plan. It was no longer what he wanted to do. He now belonged to the Marines and he became a part of a bigger plan. He had mission's that they sent him on. They trained him, took care of him, and they were his complete support system and he trusted that and did not question it. They taught him how to not only survive but had a plan to conquer the "enemy". Now being on the outside of the military, I have no training, I virtually do not exist in the military eye's and with that choice I do not know how to survive in a war and if I were to ever have to be in that sort environment would most likely die due to the lack of knowledge on my part. When you join any part of the military arm, there is no question, it's TOTAL commitment, you belong to them. In some sort of way you are now part of something bigger than you are because you believe in what they stand for to the point you will lay down your life. That sort of commitment, total commitment is what God wants. He wants us to be part of His plan. Everything will be provided but the only thing we must do is choose. Choose? Life or death?